Rothar Routes

Cycle routes & pilgrim journeys in Ireland and Europe …..

Archive for ‘August, 2018’

Heritage Week!

August 18 – Aug 26 is Heritage Week. There are thousands of events across the country and there a number in county Carlow too.

I never cease to be amazed by the number of heritage sites in the Count y, many are obscure, hidden away, little is known about them but they are important links with our past. Heritage Week is an opportunity to get out and about and maybe locate some of them and explore your local area.

During the year I visited quite an mont of sites and I have showcased them on the video below:

I hope to put up another post later in the week of other places of interest.

Cycling Lake Garda

Cycling Lake Garda.

I was fortunate to spend some time away cycling in the Lake Garda area last week and was struck by the sheer number of signposted cycling routes. They certainly make it attractive to get out on the bike and follow way marked routes of varying distances that appeal to all level of cycling ability. There are literally hundreds of routes that make use of the local network of minor roads and pathways. In most cases it is simply a matter of erecting basic directional signage, producing a brochure of routes with very little spending on infrastructure. Nothing fancy or expensive, just functional. It can be replicated to great effect here at home with our great network of really good minor roads.

Apart that is from the new 140km cycle path that will follow the perimeter of the lake! It is estimated to cost €102 million when completed!  With so many visitors to the area using cars to circumnavigate the lake and because the western side is fairly inaccessible with many road tunnels that are not safe for cycling and walkers, the new path will help connect isolated villages and open up that side to sustainable tourism.

The first 4km has been built and consists of a suspended path above the lake along the cliff edge. It’s pretty impressive!