
I didn’t fancy heading out tonight on the bike tonight, bitter gusts and spits of snow but I was glad I did. It wasn’t ;one till the sun was back out and casting its long evening shadows. Had a fantastic cycle.

There’s always something to catch the eye. There’s the wind and sun to gauge, which road has the best hedges to shelter from the wind and is the best route to take. Usually with a wind I like to head out into it and have it at my back on the way home; if I’m really lucky the route might even give me a bit more tail wind than head wind. And when the evening sun is dropping low I try to have it at my back so the motorists can see me clearly.

Road bowling is a popular sport in west Cork and Armagh. You don’t see it down this neck of the woods too often.

Tonight I did!

The game is played along country roads and consists of contestants taking the least amount of throws to over the course. Big money can be wagered on these games!

The mark for the next throw of the steel ‘bullet’

Not too far away are lovely views of Shrule Castle.

A fantastic short spin and always something new to look at!

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